Supergeile kaffeebraune Nylonfüße, herrlicher Arsch, wundervolle feuchte Möse, Aber warum läßt du dich nicht wirklich mal von einem zweiten Mann ficken, wo ihr doch beide die Fantasie habt. Wie geil müßte ein Spitroast mit dir sein. Dein Cuckold könnte dann auch geile Nachaufnahmen machen.
nylonerotica 4個月之前
Dear Any!
I'm so greatful to you, for wearing these beautiful brown stockings. Too many wo(men) consider brown/tan to be an "everyday", (too) casual or maybe even boring color. You and I certainly do not - and neither do Alex I guess?
Further more I adore watching you get fucked in the missionary positions, for the last 2 minutes of the beautiful video. It's a 1st class view, for the spectaters (me), to watch how you give yourself completely to Alex and his divine cock, and put your gorgeous well shaped, and stocking dressed, legs and feet on display.
Kisses, Jenny
I'm so greatful to you, for wearing these beautiful brown stockings. Too many wo(men) consider brown/tan to be an "everyday", (too) casual or maybe even boring color. You and I certainly do not - and neither do Alex I guess?
Further more I adore watching you get fucked in the missionary positions, for the last 2 minutes of the beautiful video. It's a 1st class view, for the spectaters (me), to watch how you give yourself completely to Alex and his divine cock, and put your gorgeous well shaped, and stocking dressed, legs and feet on display.
Kisses, Jenny
bififemale 10個月之前
love the nylon covered soles on show for most of the vid awesome, and best they should have been sniffed and toes sucked